Unfortunately it rained heavily this week and so the soil was just too wet to do any serious digging - as it was my boots were leaving great deep footprints. So, to avoid the risk of compacting the soil, I did some clearing up instead.
Over the year we had cut back a lot of the surrounding shrubs and trees to allow more light through to our patch. During the busy summer period this had been thrown into a big heap, which we are now working through. After sorting out the logs we could burn in our log burner, we chopped the rest down and had a lovely big bonfire. We used a knackered old wheelbarrow because I don't want my veg patch covered in ash.
It is so satisfying to get rid of it all, a real winter job. I had forgotten how much fun a bonfire can be - a really primal pleasure.
Look closely at the photo above and you will see that the hen house door (light sensitive) has opened - and a not very impressed cockerel peering out!