The Hens


I wouldn't be without hens - in fact I think every household in Britain should have at least 3. We have 11 - a mixture of humble ex-battery hens from the wonderful British Hen Welfare Trust and various rare breeds, including our cream legbar Amy, who lays blue eggs! We also have meat hens from time to time - our cockerel Clive was meant to be for the table, but he was the only egg out of 12 to hatch, so we didn't have the heart and he lives to tell the tale.

On a wet day the hens like to huddle under the shelter. Clive is just behind the hopper - he may look pensive in this photo but he is anything but at 6 in the morning, believe me.

 The daily number of eggs we get from our flock ranges from 2-8 depending on the time of year.